I have uploaded some photos of a 20 x 20 x 30 cm enclosure that we set up. As we are still getting asked to explain exactly what is a Bio-Active set up.
The pics shown are from the start to finish, just prior to planting and adding the decor .
Step 1: The bio balls to a depth of 1 to 2 inches depending on the enclosure. In a finished enclosure the level needs to be just lower than any vents or door openings.
Step 2: The membrane, should be cut to fit the inside of the enclosure to fit tight to all the sides. It is then laid flat over the Bio balls.
Step 3: add spider substrate and a couple of generous handfuls of Orchid bark or bark chips if you have some. Mix it all together using your fingers until all the bark is blended in well. Keep adding more spider substrate and more bark until you get the right level, making sure you build it up deeper towards the back and anywhere you are planning to plant.
Step 4: Seed the substrate, this is done by adding Springtails and Tropical Woodlice, or both. The term used is Seeding.
If you dont like the thought of Woodlice roaming around in your enclosure, you can get Dwarf tropical Woodlice which are tiny in comparison, and therefore they are not so noticable to the eye.
Basically they are a natural clean up crew, and they busily tend to their gardens very well. They eat all the stuff that nothing else will eat. Including the dead carcuses from your Jumpers prey ,and even mould spores, should any build up , which are not a good thing to have in your enclosure. So a clean up crew is very important and beneficial for your Jumper, and your plants also, as their poop is very good for the soil, which in turn is very good for your plants, which is also good for your Jumper.
Clean up crew added.
All you need to do now is give it a good watering, but do not over water. You will see the different medium layers through the glass at the front of your enclosure. Look at the bottom Bio ball layer before watering taking note of their colour.
The Bio balls need only be on the wet side of damp.
We ourselves find it easier to use a Turkey baister, and just water the front two corners until you can see the water in amongst the Bio balls.
It must not be flooded.
Please note that many of the Phidippus species, including P regius, prefer lower humidity than other Jumpers, so please pay extra care around watering.
In these cases it best to just water around any live plants only, checking the humidity level after doing so , if you find that the humidity is still very low, use a Turkey baister or pippette to add more water in the front two corners only, as mentioned earlier.
In just a sort space of time, you should see your enclosure flourish into life
Give it ago, you will never look back

The Bio-Active medium layer

The membrane cut to size and placed over the top of the Bio-Active medium layer

adding the spider soil over the membrane drainage layer. The soil I am using here has coco soil added to it.

Adding the bark at a rate of approx 75% spider soil to 25% bark.

Mixing the bark into the spider soil

Mixing the bark into the spider soil and building up a thicker layer at the back of the enclosure and also where you are going to plant, so the roots of the plants have some depth.
Add a generous amount of spring tail, and even tropical woodlice if you want too.
These both make excellent 'clean up crews' and their excreations act like a natural fertiliser for your plants producing nutrients back into the soil. So even if you dont like the thought of them being in your enclosure, you may want have a good think about it, considering the important part they play in making an enclosure bio-active, because without them it is not.

Adding the decor, This 20 x 20 x 30cm enclosure has been set up with a nice piece of natural wood bark, a piece of vine, and a couple of plants that do well in terrarium conditions. it is finished off with natural river stones and small grey gravel chips.

Pic 2