Gorgeous Phidippus audax 'Bryantae' (Identical) 12 mm +
These are gorgeous Phidippus audax 'Bryantae' females.
Males have a dusting of white on the tops of their pedipalps when adult, other than that, colouring and markings can be the same on both sexes .
They may vary very slightly in their colour and pattern as they grow, but usually very little.
Some females have what looks like a gold dusting over their legs.
They are a very sweet jumper, once they get used to you.
They have been captive bred by us.
They are 12 mm +
They left the nest on the 9/24
And they are feeding very well on green & blue bottle flies.
Audax originate from Florida and there are 3 known different variants. audax, audax 'Bryantae', and audax 'Big Bends'.
They are a very friendly and easy to care for species.
Please remember to provide a bright white led light directly above the enclosure for their wellbeing.