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Gorgeous Phidippus apacheanus 8 mm +
JSW Artifical Venus Fly Trap Plant
Coral's Jumper
JSW Orange Blossoms & mushroom🍄... with weighted base
JSW Yellow Blossoms & mushroom🍄... with weighted base
JSW Red Blossoms & mushroom🍄... with weighted base
JSW "Vision 360 MKII Acrylic enclosure.... seconds
JSW (MKll) Vision 360D Enclosure - Medium
JSW (MKll) Vision 360D Enclosure - Large
JSW (MKll) Vision 360D Enclosure - small (Left Vent)
Stunning Phidippus audax 'Big Bend' male 12 mm +
Gorgeous Phidippus nikites males 12 mm